Springwood Mall Medical Centre Practice

Dr May Thi Lwin

Dr May Thi Lwin


Dr May has been a doctor for 20 years. She had extensive overseas work experience in adult Internal Medicine. Before becoming a GP, she was a Physician Trainee in Tasmania. She moved to News South Wales in 2017 to obtain her GP Fellowship and worked in General Practice in Sydney prior to settling in Queensland.
She continues to have a strong interest in adult Medicine, preventive healthcare, chronic disease management and also has broad interest in all aspects of Family Medicine from infancy to elderly patients.
Outside of her practice, she enjoys travelling, and watching sports live.

Dr May does iron infusion.

Areas of interest:
General Medicine of all ages
Preventive Health
Chronic Diseases Management
Women and Child Health
Mental Health



Dr Sai Khan

Dr Sai Khan Lu


Dr Sai Khan Lu was trained in Mandalay, central Burma. He migrated to Australia in 2007 and completed his GP training in Tasmania, rotating from Ulverstone to Hobart. He has worked in rural Tasmania as a locum then moved to Sydney before settling on the Gold Coast. He has specialist interest in general health, acupuncture and has worked as a ringside doctor for boxing matches in the past. He can speak English, Burmese and Shan (Tai ethnic).

Dr. Chuck Fung

Dr. Chuck Fung Kong


Chuck graduated from Monash University in 2005. His previous work experience includes general medicine, surgery, paediatrics, emergency and anaesthetics. Chuck worked in metropolitan Melbourne, interstates including Tasmania, Queensland and rural Victoria prior moving to Queensland in 2015. He enjoys general practice and he has special interest in chronic disease management, medical acupuncture, men’s health and travel medicine. Chuck speaks fluent mandarin.


Dr Chuck does zoledronic acid (Aclasta)infusion and iron infusion.

Dr. Chuck Fung

Dr. Aung Aye

MBBS, FRACGP, MMedSc (General Surgery)

Special interests: Skin cancer checks and minor skin procedures. Childhood immunisations, Child health, Chronic Disease Management, health assessments ,Care plans, Acute Management and Mental Health.

Psychologist- Steven Kose

Steven is a Consultant Psychologist.  Steven works Mondays fortnightly.

He has a strong background in Correctional Services with high risk offenders, -assisting them with their reintegration back into the community-, Department of Human Services, Employment Services -case management, workplace assessments and consultancy services-, cross-cultural counselling and has a profound acceptance of individuals from different cultural backgrounds.
Steven is also specialized in working with Children-10 years and older- and Adolescents (Anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, depression, dysfunctional behavior-ADHD and ADD-,lack of direction, low self-esteem and anger management) Adults (Depression, anxiety, adjustment disorders, personality disorders, addition disorders, anger management, trauma/PTSD, workplace stress, grief/loss, emotional intelligence, suicide prevention, healthy aging, WorkCover and insurance claims ) Couples (relationship/marital difficulties and Couples Counselling) Steven utilizes range of evidence-based treatment methods including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Solution-Focused Therapy, Drug and Alcohol Therapy, Vocational Counselling and Couples Counselling in alliance with his clients to achieve long-lasting outcomes.

Steven is a Medicare provider who can offer individual and group treatments as well as assessments.


Jason has graduated with a Bachelors of Exercise Science and a Masters of Physiotherapy both from Griffith University. During his professional development he has gained a strong passion for musculoskeletal related conditions for all age populations. Some interest areas include sporting injuries, orthopaedic rehabilitation, shoulder, neck, and lower back injuries. He has also worked alongside individuals with disabilities, people who have experienced workplace injuries, and those dealing with chronic pain.


Jason has further expanded his skillset by undertaking post graduate training in Western Acupuncture and Dry Needling to the advanced level. Additionally, he has gained experience in delivering tailored treatment plans and rehabilitation-based programs for hip and knee arthritis. As a clinically driven physiotherapist, he is continually undertaking further studies to expand his therapy skills.

He is dedicated to ensuring all clients achieve their health goals and return to optimal health via a combination of manual therapy and exercise prescription. Outside of work he likes to stay fit and active by regularly participating in strength and conditioning training at his local gym

Dietitian – Louise Lombard

Louise is an Accredited Practising Dietitian. She holds degrees in Health Science, Nutrition and Dietetics and has a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between the human body and nutritional biochemistry. Louise uses her expertise in food and nutrition by translating evidenced-based scientific information into personalised practical advice to help clients improve their health and wellbeing.

Knowing the health benefits of eating well, Louise is very passionate about food and nutrition and enjoys helping people lead healthy lifestyles. She practices what she preaches when it comes to engaging in a healthy lifestyle by incorporating healthy eating and exercise into her daily life. She believes in a whole foods approach in combination with other healthy lifestyle changes is the best approach in achieving long-term changes in health.

She takes a holistic and person-centred care approach in working with clients, to facilitate nutrition, behaviour and lifestyle change and endeavours to empower clients. Louise offers nutrition counselling services in chronic disease management and is committed to providing high quality dietetic services. She has experience in many areas of nutrition and can help people understand the diet-disease relationship for a wide range of health problems. Louise can also provide nutritional advice for patients on specific/restrictive diets (e.g. Ketogenic Diet, Mediterranean diet, Low FODMAP Diet, SIBO diet, Elimination Diet, Vegan/Vegetarian diets, Time restricted eating).

Special interest and skilled areas:

  • Diabetes management
  • Weight management
  • Women’s nutrition (endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, hormonal imbalances)
  • Cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure – DASH diet, high cholesterol)
  • Food intolerances/chemical food sensitivities (elimination diet)
  • Gastrointestinal conditions (Irritable bowel syndrome – low FODMAP diet, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, Coeliac disease, diverticular disease, GORD, gastritis, SIBO)
  • Plant-based nutrition (mineral deficiencies)
  • Chronic liver disease (MAFLD, ALD, hepatitis, haemochromatosis)
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Pregnancy/child nutrition
  • Osteopenia/osteoporosis
  • Cancer nutrition


Aesthetics RN – Anna


Anna starts off her career in Aesthetics in 2019 as an RN at general practice and skin clinic in Brisbane. She received her BS, Registered Nurse degree from QUT in 2015. She started building her studies in aesthetics in 2019 and is continuing with her studies in Cosmetic Dermal Science. Being a part of a thriving new practice that now has several locations has allowed her to work closely with head skin specialists and skin doctors to learn their techniques and develop an eye and a love for aesthetics.

Anna believes that an individualised approach to each patient is crucial in achieving subtle yet beautiful results that honour and enhance her patients unique natural features. Integrating both skincare practices and minimally invasive procedures.

She is dedicated to helping her patients achieve customised & targeted experience.

Anna speaks fluent Spanish.


Anna service:

-Reduce fine lines

-Enhance skin areas

-Skin Needling

-PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

-Less Invasive Procedures